This page containt Win32 error code returned by different component of Windows.
Windows Configuration Manager MDM Errors List
The following list are the error code returned by the Policy Manager responsible for the MDM command execution on a Windows machine.
Event Viewer: Applications and Services > Microsoft > Windows > DeviceManagement-Enterprise-Diagnostics-Provider > Admin Section
Error Name | Win32 Err | Description |
CFGMGR_E_INVALIDNODEOPTIONS | 0x86000000 | The node options provided are invalid |
CFGMGR_E_INVALIDDATATYPE | 0x86000001 | The data type is invalid. |
CFGMGR_E_NODENOTFOUND | 0x86000002 | The specified node doesn’t exist. |
CFGMGR_E_ILLEGALOPERATIONINATRANSACTION | 0x86000003 | The operation is illegal inside of a transaction. |
CFGMGR_E_ILLEGALOPERATIONOUTSIDEATRANSACTION | 0x86000004 | The operation is illegal outside of a transaction. |
CFGMGR_E_ONEORMOREEXECUTIONFAILURES | 0x86000005 | One or more commands failed to Execute. |
CFGMGR_E_ONEORMORECANCELFAILURES | 0x86000006 | One or more commands failed to revert during the cancel. |
CFGMGR_S_COMMANDFAILEDDUETOTRANSACTIONROLLBACK | 0x06000007 | The command was executed, but the transaction failed so the command was rolled back successfully. |
CFGMGR_E_COMMITFAILURE | 0x86000008 | The transaction failed during the commit phase. |
CFGMGR_E_ROLLBACKFAILURE | 0x86000009 | The transaction failed during the rollback phase. |
CFGMGR_E_ONEORMORECLEANUPFAILURES | 0x8600000A | One or more commands failed during the cleanup phase after the transactions were committed. |
CFGMGR_E_CONFIGNODESTATEOBJECTNOLONGERVALID | 0x8600000B | The IConfigNodeState interface may not be used after the validation call. |
CFGMGR_E_CSPREGISTRATIONCORRUPT | 0x8600000C | The CSP registration in the registry is corrupted. |
CFGMGR_E_NODEFAILEDTOCANCEL | 0x8600000D | The cancel operation failed on the node. |
CFGMGR_E_DEPENDENTOPERATIONFAILURE | 0x8600000E | The operation failed on the node because of a prior operation failure. |
CFGMGR_E_CSPNODEILLEGALSTATE | 0x8600000F | The requested command failed because the node is in an invalid state. |
CFGMGR_E_REQUIRESINTERNALTRANSACTIONING | 0x86000010 | The node must be internally transactioned to call this command. |
CFGMGR_E_COMMANDNOTALLOWED | 0x86000011 | The requested command is not allowed on the target. |
CFGMGR_E_INTERCSPOPERATION | 0x86000012 | Inter-CSP copy and move operations are illegal. |
CFGMGR_E_PROPERTYNOTSUPPORTED | 0x86000013 | The requested property is not supported by the node. |
CFGMGR_E_INVALIDSEMANTICTYPE | 0x86000014 | The semantic type is invalid. |
CFGMGR_E_FORBIDDENURISEGMENT | 0x86000015 | The URI contains a forbidden segment. |
CFGMGR_E_READWRITEACCESSDENIED | 0x86000016 | The requested read/write permission was not allowed. |
CFGMGR_E_SECRETDATAACCESSDENIED | 0x86000017 | The requested read permission was not allowed because the data is secret. |
CFGMGR_E_XMLPARSEERROR | 0x86000018 | Error occured in XML parser. |
CFGMGR_E_COMMANDTIMEOUT | 0x86000019 | The requested command timed out. |
CFGMGR_E_IMPERSONATIONERROR | 0x86000020 | The CSP impersonation reference count value is incorrect. |
CFGMGR_E_WMIOPERATIONERROR | 0X86000021 | The WMI operation error results from invalid arg, duplicate content, type mismatch, etc. |
CFGMGR_E_NOIMPERSONATIONTARGET | 0x86000022 | No target SID for the CSP impersonation. |
RESOURCEMGR_E_RESOURCEALREADYOWNED | 0x86000023 | Resource already provisioned by another configuration source. |
Windows BITS Client Errors List
The following list are the error code returned by the BITS Client responsible for downloads on Windows for some component.
Event Viewer: Applications and Services > Microsoft > Windows > Bits-Client >Operational
Error Name | Win32 Err | Description |
BG_S_PARTIAL_COMPLETE | 0x00200017 | A subset of the job’s files transferred successfully before the IBackgroundCopyJob::Complete method was called. Those that were not complete were deleted. |
BG_S_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_FILES | 0x0020001A | Unable to delete all temporary files associated with the job. |
BG_S_OVERRIDDEN_BY_POLICY | 0x00200055 | The configuration preference has been saved successfully, but the preference will not be used because a configured Group Policy setting overrides the preference. |
BG_E_NOT_FOUND | 0x80200001 | The requested job was not found. |
BG_E_INVALID_STATE | 0x80200002 | The requested action is not allowed in the current job state. |
BG_E_EMPTY | 0x80200003 | The job must contain one or more files before you can resume the job. |
BG_E_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE | 0x80200004 | File information is not available because the error is not associated with a local or remote file. |
BG_E_PROTOCOL_NOT_AVAILABLE | 0x80200005 | Protocol information is not available because the error is not associated with the specified transfer protocol. |
BG_E_DESTINATION_LOCKED | 0x8020000D | The destination file system volume, specified in the local file name, is locked |
BG_E_VOLUME_CHANGED | 0x8020000E | The destination volume, specified in the local file name, has changed. For example, the original floppy disk has been replaced with a different floppy disk. |
BG_E_ERROR_INFORMATION_UNAVAILABLE | 0x8020000F | Error information is only available when the state of the job is BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR. The error information is not available after BITS begins transferring the job’s data or the client exits. |
BG_E_NETWORK_DISCONNECTED | 0x80200010 | The network adapter is inactive or disconnected. All jobs are placed in the BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR state. |
BG_E_MISSING_FILE_SIZE | 0x80200011 | The server did not return the file size. BITS only transfers static content and requires the HTTP server to return the Content-Length header. The transfer request fails if the URL points to dynamic content. |
BG_E_INSUFFICIENT_HTTP_SUPPORT | 0x80200012 | The server does not support the HTTP/1.1 protocol |
BG_E_INSUFFICIENT_RANGE_SUPPORT | 0x80200013 | The server does not support the Content-Range header. Typically, you receive this error when you try to download dynamic content. You can also receive this error if an intermediate proxy is removing the Content-Range or Content-Length header. |
BG_E_REMOTE_NOT_SUPPORTED | 0x80200014 | Remote use of BITS is not supported. |
BG_E_NEW_OWNER_DIFF_MAPPING | 0x80200015 | The network drive mapping for the local file is different for the current owner than for the previous owner. |
BG_E_NEW_OWNER_NO_FILE_ACCESS | 0x80200016 | The new owner has insufficient permissions to the temporary job files. |
BG_E_PROXY_LIST_TOO_LARGE | 0x80200018 | The HTTP proxy list is too long. The list must not exceed 32 KB. |
BG_E_PROXY_BYPASS_LIST_TOO_LARGE | 0x80200019 | The HTTP proxy bypass list is too long. The list must not exceed 32 KB. |
BG_E_TOO_MANY_FILES | 0x8020001C | You cannot add more than one file to an upload job. |
BG_E_LOCAL_FILE_CHANGED | 0x8020001D | The contents of the local file changed after the transfer process began. The contents of the local file cannot change after the transfer process begins on an upload or upload-reply job. |
BG_E_TOO_LARGE | 0x80200020 | The size of the upload file exceeds the maximum allowed upload size specified on the server. |
BG_E_STRING_TOO_LONG | 0x80200021 | The specified string is too long. |
BG_E_CLIENT_SERVER_PROTOCOL_MISMATCH | 0x80200022 | The client and server were unable to negotiate a protocol to use for the upload job. |
BG_E_SERVER_EXECUTE_ENABLED | 0x80200023 | Scripting or execute permissions are enabled on the IIS virtual directory associated with the job. To upload files to the virtual directory, disable the scripting and execute permissions on the virtual directory. |
BG_E_USERNAME_TOO_LARGE | 0x80200025 | The user name cannot exceed 300 characters. |
BG_E_PASSWORD_TOO_LARGE | 0x80200026 | The password cannot exceed 65535 characters. |
BG_E_INVALID_AUTH_TARGET | 0x80200027 | The specified authentication target is not valid. |
BG_E_INVALID_AUTH_SCHEME | 0x80200028 | The specified authentication scheme is not valid. |
BG_E_INVALID_RANGE | 0x8020002B | The specified byte range is invalid. The byte range must exist within the specified remote file. |
BG_E_OVERLAPPING_RANGES | 0x8020002C | The list of byte ranges contains overlapping or duplicate ranges, which are not supported. |
BG_E_BLOCKED_BY_POLICY | 0x8020003E | Group Policy MaxInternetBandwidth settings prevent background jobs from running at this time. |
BG_E_INVALID_PROXY_INFO | 0x8020003F | Run-time error that indicates the proxy list or proxy bypass list specified is invalid. |
BG_E_INVALID_CREDENTIALS | 0x80200040 | The format of the supplied security credentials is not valid. |
BG_E_RECORD_DELETED | 0x80200042 | The cache record has been deleted. The attempt to update it has been abandoned. |
BG_E_UPNP_ERROR | 0x80200045 | A Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) error has occurred. Please check your Internet Gateway Device. |
BG_E_PEERCACHING_DISABLED | 0x80200047 | Peer-caching is disabled. |
BG_E_BUSYCACHERECORD | 0x80200048 | The cache record is in use and cannot be changed or deleted. Try again after a few seconds. |
BG_E_TOO_MANY_JOBS_PER_USER | 0x80200049 | The job count for the user has exceeded the per user job limit set by the MaxJobsPerUser Group Policy setting. |
BG_E_TOO_MANY_JOBS_PER_MACHINE | 0x80200050 | The job count for the computer has exceeded the per computer job limit set by the MaxJobsPerMachine Group Policy setting. |
BG_E_TOO_MANY_FILES_IN_JOB | 0x80200051 | The file count for the job has exceeded the per job file limit set by the MaxFilesPerJob Group Policy setting. |
BG_E_TOO_MANY_RANGES_IN_FILE | 0x80200052 | The range count for the file has exceeded the per file range limit set by the MaxRangesPerFile Group Policy setting. |
BG_E_VALIDATION_FAILED | 0x80200053 | The application requested data from a website, but the response was not valid. |
BG_E_MAXDOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT | 0x80200054 | BITS timed out downloading the job. The download did not complete within the maximum download time set on the job or the MaxDownloadTime Group Policy setting. |
BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_400 | 0x80190190 | The server could not process the transfer request because the syntax of the remote file name is invalid. |
BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_401 | 0x80190191 | The user does not have permission to access the remote file. The requested resource requires user authentication. |
BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_404 | 0x80190194 | The requested URL does not exist on the server. In IIS 7, this error can indicate – That BITS uploads are not enabled on the virtual directory (vdir) on the server. -That the upload size exceeds the maximum upload limit, BITSMaximumUploadSize IIS extension property. |
BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_407 | 0x80190197 | The user does not have permission to access the proxy. The proxy requires user authentication. |
BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_414 | 0x8019019E | The server cannot process the transfer request. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) in the remote file name is longer than the server can interpret. |
BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_415 | 0x8019019F | The server’s response was not valid. The server was not following the defined protocol. Resume the job, and then Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again. |
BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_417 | 0x801901A1 | The server could not meet the expectation given in an Expect request-header field. |
BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_449 | 0x801901C1 | The server’s response was not valid. The server was not following the defined protocol. Resume the job, and then Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) will try again. |
BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_500 | 0x801901F4 | The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_501 | 0x801901F5 | The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. In IIS 6, this error indicates that BITS uploads are not enabled on the virtual directory (vdir) on the server. |
BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_503 | 0x801901F7 | The service is temporarily overloaded and cannot process the request. Resume the job at a later time. |
BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_504 | 0x801901F8 | The transfer request timed out while waiting for a gateway. Resume the job at a later time. |
BG_E_HTTP_ERROR_505 | 0x801901F9 | The server does not support the HTTP protocol version specified in the remote file name. |
WinHTTP Errors List
The following list are the error code returned by the WinHTTP component.
Error Name | Win32 Err | Description |
ERROR_WINHTTP_OUT_OF_HANDLES | 0x80072EE1 | Obsolete; no longer used. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT | 0x80072EE2 | The request has timed out. This error can be returned as a result of TCP/IP time-out behavior, regardless of time-out values set in Windows HTTP Services. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR | 0x80072EE4 | An internal error has occurred. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_INVALID_URL | 0x80072EE5 | The URL is not valid. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_UNRECOGNIZED_SCHEME | 0x80072EE6 | The URL specified a scheme other than “http:” or “https:”. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED | 0x80072EE7 | The server name cannot be resolved using DNS. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_INVALID_OPTION | 0x80072EE9 | A request to WinHttpQueryOption or WinHttpSetOption specified an invalid option value. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_OPTION_NOT_SETTABLE | 0x80072EEB | The requested option cannot be set, only queried. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_SHUTDOWN | 0x80072EEC | The WinHTTP function support is being shut down or unloaded. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_LOGIN_FAILURE | 0x80072EEF | The login attempt failed. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_OPERATION_CANCELLED | 0x80072EF1 | The operation was canceled, usually because the handle on which the request was operating was closed before the operation completed. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_INCORRECT_HANDLE_TYPE | 0x80072EF2 | The type of handle supplied is incorrect for this operation. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_INCORRECT_HANDLE_STATE | 0x80072EF3 | The requested operation cannot be carried out because the handle supplied is not in the correct state. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_CANNOT_CONNECT | 0x80072EFD | Connection to the server failed. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_CONNECTION_ERROR | 0x80072EFE | The connection with the server has been reset or terminated, or an incompatible SSL protocol was encountered. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_RESEND_REQUEST | 0x80072F00 | The WinHTTP function failed. The desired function can be retried on the same request handle. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED | 0x80072F0C | The server requires SSL client Authentication. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_CANNOT_CALL_BEFORE_OPEN | 0x80072F44 | Requested operation cannot be performed before calling the Open method. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_CANNOT_CALL_BEFORE_SEND | 0x80072F45 | Requested operation cannot be performed before calling the Send method. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_CANNOT_CALL_AFTER_SEND | 0x80072F46 | Requested operation cannot be performed after calling the Send method. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_CANNOT_CALL_AFTER_OPEN | 0x80072F47 | Requested operation cannot be performed after calling the Open method. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_HEADER_NOT_FOUND | 0x80072F76 | The requested header cannot be located. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE | 0x80072F78 | The server response cannot be parsed. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_INVALID_HEADER | 0x80072F79 | The header cannot be parsed |
ERROR_WINHTTP_INVALID_QUERY_REQUEST | 0x80072F7A | Obsolete; no longer used. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_HEADER_ALREADY_EXISTS | 0x80072F7B | Obsolete; no longer used. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_REDIRECT_FAILED | 0x80072F7C | The redirection failed because either the scheme changed or all attempts made to redirect failed (default is five attempts). |
ERROR_WINHTTP_AUTO_PROXY_SERVICE_ERROR | 0x80072F92 | A proxy for the specified URL cannot be located. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_BAD_AUTO_PROXY_SCRIPT | 0x80072F86 | An error occurred executing the script code in the Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_UNABLE_TO_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT | 0x80072F87 | The PAC file cannot be downloaded. For example, the server referenced by the PAC URL may not have been reachable, or the server returned a 404 NOT FOUND response. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_UNHANDLED_SCRIPT_TYPE | 0x80072F90 | The script type is not supported. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_SCRIPT_EXECUTION_ERROR | 0x80072F91 | An error was encountered while executing a script. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_NOT_INITIALIZED | 0x80072F8C | Obsolete; no longer used. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_FAILURE | 0x80072F8F | One or more errors were found in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate sent by the server. Check CAPI2 Logs |
ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_CERT_DATE_INVALID | 0x80072F05 | Indicates that a required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file, or that the validity periods of the certification chain do not nest correctly |
ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_CERT_CN_INVALID | 0x80072F06 | Certificate common name does not match the passed value. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_INVALID_CA | 0x80072F0D | Root certificate is not trusted by the trust provider |
ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_CERT_REV_FAILED | 0x80072F19 | Revocation cannot be checked because the revocation server was offline |
ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_CHANNEL_ERROR | 0x80072F7D | Error occurred with secure channel, check other error code most likely SSL issue |
ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_INVALID_CERT | 0x80072F89 | Certificate is invalid. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_CERT_REVOKED | 0x80072F8A | Certificate has been revoked |
ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_CERT_WRONG_USAGE | 0x80072F93 | Certificate is not valid for the requested usage. i.e: wrong EKU |
ERROR_WINHTTP_AUTODETECTION_FAILED | 0x80072F94 | Unable to discover the URL of the Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_HEADER_COUNT_EXCEEDED | 0x80072F95 | Larger number of headers were present in a response than WinHTTP could receive. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_HEADER_SIZE_OVERFLOW | 0x80072F96 | Size of headers received exceeds the limit for the request handle. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_CHUNKED_ENCODING_HEADER_SIZE_OVERFLOW | 0x80072F97 | Overflow condition is encountered in the course of parsing chunked encoding. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_RESPONSE_DRAIN_OVERFLOW | 0x80072F98 | Incoming response exceeds an internal WinHTTP size limit. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_CLIENT_CERT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY | 0x80072F99 | The SSL client certificate does not have a private key associated with it. The client certificate may have been imported to the computer without the private key. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_CLIENT_CERT_NO_ACCESS_PRIVATE_KEY | 0x80072F9A | The application does not have the required privileges to access the private key associated with the client certificate. |
ERROR_WINHTTP_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED_PROXY | 0x80072F9B | A client certificate is required to authenticate on the proxy |
ERROR_WINHTTP_RESERVED_189 | 0x80072F9D | Not used |
XML Parsing Errors List
The following list are the error code returned by the XML parsing component of Policy Manager responsible for parsing the SyncML received from the MDM server.
Event Viewer: Applications and Services > Microsoft > Windows > DeviceManagement-Enterprise-Diagnostics-Provider > Admin Section
Error Name | Win32 Err | Description |
MSG_E_MX | 0xC00CEE00 | Reader error. |
MSG_E_INPUTEND | 0xC00CEE01 | Unexpected end of input. |
MSG_E_ENCODING | 0xC00CEE02 | Unrecognized encoding. |
MSG_E_ENCODINGSWITCH | 0xC00CEE03 | Unable to switch the encoding. |
MSG_E_ENCODINGSIGNATURE | 0xC00CEE04 | Unrecognized input signature. |
MSG_E_WC | 0xC00CEE20 | Well formedness error. |
MSG_E_WHITESPACE | 0xC00CEE21 | Whitespace expected. |
MSG_E_SEMICOLON | 0xC00CEE22 | Semicolon expected. |
MSG_E_GREATERTHAN | 0xC00CEE23 | ‘>’ expected. |
MSG_E_QUOTE | 0xC00CEE24 | Quote expected. |
MSG_E_EQUAL | 0xC00CEE25 | Equal expected. |
MSG_E_LESSTHAN | 0xC00CEE26 | An attribute value must not contain ‘<‘. |
MSG_E_HEXDIGIT | 0xC00CEE27 | Hexadecimal digit expected. |
MSG_E_DIGIT | 0xC00CEE28 | Decimal digit expected. |
MSG_E_LEFTBRACKET | 0xC00CEE29 | ‘[‘ expected. |
MSG_E_LEFTPAREN | 0xC00CEE2A | ‘(‘ expected. |
MSG_E_XMLCHARACTER | 0xC00CEE2B | Illegal xml character. |
MSG_E_NAMECHARACTER | 0xC00CEE2C | Illegal name character. |
MSG_E_SYNTAX | 0xC00CEE2D | Incorrect document syntax. |
MSG_E_CDSECT | 0xC00CEE2E | Incorrect CDATA section syntax. |
MSG_E_COMMENT | 0xC00CEE2F | Incorrect comment syntax. |
MSG_E_CONDSECT | 0xC00CEE30 | Incorrect conditional section syntax. |
MSG_E_DECLATTLIST | 0xC00CEE31 | Incorrect ATTLIST declaration syntax. |
MSG_E_DECLDOCTYPE | 0xC00CEE32 | Incorrect DOCTYPE declaration syntax. |
MSG_E_DECLELEMENT | 0xC00CEE33 | Incorrect ELEMENT declaration syntax. |
MSG_E_DECLENTITY | 0xC00CEE34 | Incorrect ENTITY declaration syntax. |
MSG_E_DECLNOTATION | 0xC00CEE35 | Incorrect NOTATION declaration syntax. |
MSG_E_NDATA | 0xC00CEE36 | NDATA expected. |
MSG_E_PUBLIC | 0xC00CEE37 | PUBLIC expected. |
MSG_E_SYSTEM | 0xC00CEE38 | SYSTEM expected. |
MSG_E_NAME | 0xC00CEE39 | Name expected. |
MSG_E_ROOTELEMENT | 0xC00CEE3A | A document must contain exactly one root element. |
MSG_E_ELEMENTMATCH | 0xC00CEE3B | The name in the end tag of the element must match the element type in the start tag. |
MSG_E_UNIQUEATTRIBUTE | 0xC00CEE3C | No attribute name may appear more than once in the same start tag or empty element tag. |
MSG_E_TEXTXMLDECL | 0xC00CEE3D | A text/xml declaration may occur only at the very beginning of input. |
MSG_E_LEADINGXML | 0xC00CEE3E | Names beginning with the three letter sequence x, m, l, in any case combination, are reserved for use by XML and XML-related specifications. |
MSG_E_TEXTDECL | 0xC00CEE3F | Incorrect text declaration syntax. |
MSG_E_XMLDECL | 0xC00CEE40 | Incorrect xml declaration syntax. |
MSG_E_ENCNAME | 0xC00CEE41 | Incorrect encoding name syntax. |
MSG_E_PUBLICID | 0xC00CEE42 | Incorrect public identifier syntax. |
MSG_E_PESINTERNALSUBSET | 0xC00CEE43 | In the internal DTD subset, parameter entity references can occur only where markup declarations can occur, not within markup declarations. |
MSG_E_PESBETWEENDECLS | 0xC00CEE44 | The replacement text of a parameter entity referenced between markup declarations must be well formed. |
MSG_E_NORECURSION | 0xC00CEE45 | A parsed entity must not contain a recursive reference to itself, either directly or indirectly. |
MSG_E_ENTITYCONTENT | 0xC00CEE46 | The replacement text of an entity referenced in the content must be well formed. |
MSG_E_UNDECLAREDENTITY | 0xC00CEE47 | Undeclared entity. |
MSG_E_PARSEDENTITY | 0xC00CEE48 | An entity reference must not contain the name of an unparsed entity. |
MSG_E_NOEXTERNALENTITYREF | 0xC00CEE49 | Attribute values cannot contain direct or indirect entity references to external entities. |
MSG_E_PI | 0xC00CEE4A | Incorrect processing instruction syntax. |
MSG_E_SYSTEMID | 0xC00CEE4B | Incorrect system identifier syntax. |
MSG_E_QUESTIONMARK | 0xC00CEE4C | ‘?’ expected. |
MSG_E_CDSECTEND | 0xC00CEE4D | The content of an element must not contain the character sequence ‘]]>’. |
SAX_E_DTD_PROHIBITED | 0xC00CEE4E | DTD is prohibited. |
MSG_E_RESERVEDXMLNAMESPACE | 0xC00CEE4F | The namespace for ‘xmlns:xml’ is reserved and it can only be declared as ‘’. |
MSG_E_RESERVEDXMLNS | 0xC00CEE50 | Prefixes ‘xml’ and ‘xmlns’ are reserved for use by XML. |
MSG_E_NC | 0xC00CEE60 | Namespace error. |
MSG_E_QNAMECHARACTER | 0xC00CEE61 | Illegal qualified name character. |
MSG_E_QNAMECOLON | 0xC00CEE62 | A qualified name cannot contain multiple colons. |
MSG_E_NAMECOLON | 0xC00CEE63 | An attribute value declared to be of type ID, IDREF(S), ENTITY(IES) or NOTATION cannot contain colons. |
MSG_E_DECLAREDPREFIX | 0xC00CEE64 | Declared prefix. |
MSG_E_UNDECLAREDPREFIX | 0xC00CEE65 | Undeclared prefix. |
MSG_E_EMPTYURI | 0xC00CEE66 | Only a default namespace can have an empty URI. |
MSG_E_VC | 0xC00CEE80 | Validity error. |